Question: For this topic, what are the most important Amendments to know?









Answer: Some Amendments are in the Bill of Rights, others came after. Here are the relevant ones for this topic:

Bill of Rights Amendments to Know

1st – Freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly, and right to petition the government.

2nd – Right to bear arms.

4th – Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures.

5th – Due process rights (right to fair justice, and freedoms from self-incrimination). Also, one cannot be tried twice for the same crime. This is a freedom from “double-jeopardy.”

6th – Right to a fair trial and attorney.


Other Amendments Relevant to this Chapter:

14th  - Equality of citizenship, plus a due process clause for the states, 1868.

15th  - Universal male suffrage (voting), 1870.

24th  – Ended the practice of poll taxes

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