Mr. Klaff


















































Mr. Klaff returns for a second season of field announcing for the Brooklyn Cyclones ...

Mookie Wilson (#1)  is managing the Cyclones this year. I am talking to the Seagull.

Me and Mookie ...


A kid is racing our mascots Sandy and Pee Wee around the bases. Pee Wee always loses ... finds it hard to keep balance.

Why play musical chairs, when you can play musical toilets?

A kid spins a wheel of possible prizes. If it lands on the question marks I steal his wallet.

These people are racing on tricycles to win a free limo ride. The crowd seems to like it when they fall off and hurt themselves.


Half of my head made it to a baseball card. Yup, that's my ear.

This was a reenactment that made it to Sportscenter. Of course, I was cropped out because I was too handsome for the camera.



Surely this guy wont let me stand on his stomach on a bed of nails, would he?


Silly question.
