Definition: Neolithic Revolution

By 10,000 BC, early humans learned that seeds would lead to the growing of crops. The Neolithic Revolution proved just that, and the results were greater harvests and a decrease in nomadic lifestyle. Hunters and gatherers gave way to tamers of animals and harvesters of crops. People now could stay in one place, which led to the rise of civilizations. Civilizations can be classified as a settled people with a government, local economy, and cultural and scientific advancements.

     Stonehenge is more than meets the eye. Many think it's merely the gigantic sarsen stones and trilithons that make it so historical. But, the fact is that archaeologygy has dated the entire site to be much older than the stones themselves. The area is complex with ditches, round and long barrows (burial chambers), and chalk figures on bordering towns. Stonehenge is a mystical experience -- though mysterious, it seems that much of the mysticism was based on the sun, the moon, and revolution around our orbit. A henge is a circle ... and Stonehenge is one of many such henges that existed in England thousands of years ago.


This is the heel stone -- it's purpose is most likely a place of observation.


On December 21, the sun would rise between the stones.


Behind me are the round barrows -- or burial grounds that surround the henge.


This is a great site about the history of stonehenge.


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