Other Court Cases (longer descriptions are in other eFlashcards)







Marbury v. Madison - First use of judicial review.

McCullough v. Maryland - Maryland could not tax the National Bank because of federal Supremacy, and the right of the federal government to charter a bank. He also maintained that the Federal Government was supreme to states in regards to interstate commerce in Gibbons v. Ogden

Dred Scott v Sanford - Roger B. Taney said that slaves were property, and owners could not be deprived of them.

Insular Cases - Stated that Constitutional rights did not necessarily extend to US territories acquired during the Age of Imperialism.

Muller v. Oregon - In 1908, the court said that women were not permitted to work such long hours because they might damage their bodies for maternity.

Schenck v. US - Said that free speech was not absolute. One can’t utter something that creates a “clear and present danger,” as someone can’t shout “FIRE!” in a crowded theater.

Slaughterhouse Cases - The Fourteenth Amendment did not protect slaughterhouse workers prevented from conducting business.

Schechter Poultry Corp. v. US - Declared the NIRA unconstitutional in the New Deal.

Butler v. US - Declared AAA unconstitutional in the New Deal.



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