Mr. Klaff has written around 200 songs - many of which are history songs. Here are the just some of the songs you have sung in class. Some of the songs are available for downloading - so you can cruise down Port Blvd with the top down, screaming out the lyrics to "Causes of the Civil War."

(Remember - songs and lyrics are ALL copyrighted!!!)


How Many Amendments?

How many Amendments in the Bill of Rights?

How many amendments do I have to know in the Bill of Rights?

1. Free Speech is fun.
2. Shoot a Kangaroo.
3. No troops staying with me.
4. You need a warrant to search this floor.

How many amendments do I have to know in the Bill of Rights?

5. One acquittal per life.
6. No trial tricks.
7. I'm in civil trial heaven.
8. You can't kill me by torturing me with an ice skate.

How many amendments do I have to know in the Bill of Rights?

9. Rights of the people defined.
10. States want rights for them.
There would be 17 more.
When 2/3 approved on the Senate floor.

How many amendments do I have to know in the Bill of Rights? Oh, how many amendments do I have to know, in the Bill of Rights?

Copyright 2004, 42 Pieces Productions, All rights reserved.