Definition: Bill of Rights











Ultimately the Constitution was ratified (approved) in 1788 when 9 of the 13 states agreed. But the promise for a Bill of Rights was critical. It would become the first 10 Amendments (changes/additions) to the Constitution. The Bill of Rights protected important freedoms such as speech, right to bear arms, due process, prevention of cruel and unusual punishment, and the right to an attorney.

NOTE: Nowhere in the Bill of Rights does it speak about economic equality. This is not an equality established in American culture.

Bill of Rights Amendments to Know

1st – Freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly, and right to petition the government.

2nd – Right to bear arms.

4th – Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures.

5th – Due process rights (right to fair justice, and freedoms from self-incrimination). Also, one cannot be tried twice for the same crime. This is a freedom from “double-jeopardy.”

8th – No cruel and unusual punishments shall be inflicted.

6th – Right to a fair trial and attorney.

10th – Division of powers between the states and federal government (called federalism).



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