Question: What Amendments do I need to know?








Answer: There are 27 Amendments The Bill of Rights gave the first ten in 1791. All other important ones will be on other eFlashcards. The ones you are more likely to need to know are in bold:

1st – Freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly, and right to petition the government.

2nd – Right to bear arms.

3rd – No quartering of troops (letting troops stay in civilian homes).

4th – Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure.

5th – Due process rights (right to fair justice, and freedoms from self incrimination). Also, one cannot be tried twice for the same crime. This is a freedom from “double-jeopardy.”

6th – Rights of the accused to a fair trial with an attorney.

7th – Jury trial in civil cases.

8th – Freedom from “cruel and unusual” punishment.

9th – Rights to the people.

10th – Division of power between the states and federal government (called federalism).

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