What on Earth was
Mr. Klaff doing on MTV's TRL???
I was sitting around
eating ice cream out of a carton during the February break. All of a
sudden I got a phone call from a friend telling me about an audition
for young comedians at TRL. "Hmmm, I better check my busy schedule,"
I thought. I then realized that I don't have a busy schedule, so I
grabbed the guitar, and wrote up
a quick song for the next day. The premise would be that I'm a
comedian and I want to play the guitar on MTV ... just because it's
cool. Long story short -- I auditioned, they liked me, and I went
on. The premise was that Jamie Foxx was going to be on to promote an
HBO special. To show how hard comedy can be, they were going to give
young comedi ans
a hard time by playing "boos" and cricket noises behind them. I
didn't care -- that's no worse than what happens when I teach about
ancient Sumerian pottery. So I went on, and hundreds of 14 year olds
booed me when I hit the line ...
"Now I'm not
trying to be mean ... but every girl in this room looks 15."
They were pretty
upset, but all 20 year old men across the country probably found it
funny. Jamie Foxx wasn't too pleased when I forgot his name on stage
-- oops! Anyhow, they asked me to stay on to meet Enrique Iglesias
... but I wanted to go home and watch hockey.
So I left -- and as I did I had to run away from a throng of young
girls seeking autographs. I think they thought I was Ice Cube.