1. How do you pay for all of this?

Answer: The entire point of this manual is to show you how to travel extensively for less money. It is always cheaper to travel with your friends, eat moderate cuisine, and shop around for flights, hotels, and especially rental cars. Seeing the parks and sites in the US is relatively cheap. For about $80 you can get into every National Park for one full year.

2. Can you travel cheaply abroad?

Answer: Yes, but within reason. The dollar has taken a hit ... so I would recommend traveling OFF PEAK to Europe ... that means the winters. Also, load up on the Multi-Country train tickets. You can design a vacation similar for Europe as you do for America. Instead of starting in San Francisco, and ending in Denver ... just make it Prague and Budapest. Also for abroad, if you find a great cruise deal, pounce on it. Or, if you go to South America, everything is really cheap. In Peru, a water bottle on the street is 33 Cents.

3. Aren't you missing out on hiking, art museums, and local culture?

Answer: Yes, yes, and yes. But, I want to see the major attractions. You can't do everything in a place ... and as for local culture, it doesn't exist much in the US ... Too much Walmartization. Some people love to travel to one destination for several days. I'm too jumpy.

4. Why are you giving us this information for free?

Answer: I have nothing better to do. To pay me back, feel free to offer me a book deal, or pretend to like my history music.

5. Do you really just travel to put stuff into your PowerPoints?

Answer: Sometimes. I would be lying if I told you I didn't go to the Mayflower Barn just to stick it into a Colonial America lesson plan.

6. Who holds the camera for you?

Answer: Usually Mrs. Klaff does ... sometimes a friend. But if it's good camerawork, then it's Mrs. Klaff. And yes, I mess up takes all of the time.