Thank goodness, we are out of Pennsylvania!!! The excitement of a cross country trip begins in Ohio ... it's far enough away from New York that it's funny to be there. (Speaking of funny, I love in this song when at the end, the guy goes -- OHIOOHIOOHIO) Ohio has some pretty large cities ... none of which are too exciting. Heck ... my brother got married in Cincinnati! We drove  through Columbus, and it looked like Cincinnati. We then drove through Cleveland which looked like Columbus ... only more dreary. Speaking of Cleveland ... let's talk movies ...

1. A famous comedy movie took place in Cleveland in the 1990s. Can you guess what it was? Can you guess where I'm standing? CLICK HERE FOR ANSWER.



2. Where am I standing? Hint -- I'm wearing sunglasses, and I play the guitar. CLICK HERE FOR ANSWER.







Copyright 2004, 42 Pieces Productions, All rights reserved.